In response to increased accountability demands placed on teacher preparation programs across the US, some programs are using standardized teacher performance assessments, such as edTPA.
A recent mandate for this study’s elementary teacher preparation program is teacher candidates’ successful
completion of edTPA for teacher certification.
A case study design explored the experiences and views of multiple stakeholders (instructors, supervisors, administrators, teacher candidates, and cooperating teachers, N = 60) as they engaged in edTPA.
Data were collected via two surveys and individual interviews.
The effects of edTPA were visible across the data in a variety of ways, as stakeholders found the assessment overwhelming, often taking precedence because of its high-stakes nature.
Changes were questioned, as this program was already held in high regard and produced high-quality teachers prepared for urban school contexts.
Analysis of the interview data revealed three themes: Assets of edTPA, edTPA-produced Changes, and Not a Fair Measure. More