This sequential explanatory mixed-methods study examines the impact of analytic rubric use in peer feedback on preservice teachers’ ability to recognize indicators of best practice for second language lesson planning and lesson delivery.
53 preservice teachers in a university-level, semester-long
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) practicum course received direct instruction on indicators presented in the analytic rubrics.
They were then randomly assigned to control and experimental groups.
The experimental group used rubrics with the indicators during peer feedback tasks, while the control group used a modified rubric without the indicators.
The result from an independent samples t-test on posttest mean scores indicated a significant difference between groups for both lesson planning and lesson delivery, favoring the experimental group.
Qualitative data were also collected via written comments on the posttests and from focus-group interviews.
From thematic analyses of qualitative data, three key themes emerged, including specific tensions that resulted from the type of feedback preservice teachers desired and the type of feedback they were willing to give to their peers. These findings provide further insight into the use of analytic rubrics in peer feedback practices in second language teacher education (SLTE). More