Source: Journal of Education for Teaching, Volume 35, Issue 4 November 2009, p. 425 - 440.
This paper is based on the emergence of a small research group and its journey to enhance scholarly activity within a new school of education. The group explored a research-orientated learning project to determine what makes a beneficial school experience. While examining the project, the group comprising seven academics developed a way of working collaboratively.
Narrative enquiry and hermeneutic analysis were used to develop descriptions and interpretations of the phenomenon from the perspective of the participants who in themselves were the researchers and also the researchers of the research process. Drawing on actor-network theory to explore the network of relationships, the pattern that emerged closely followed that described by Michel Callon in his study of the scallops of St Brieuc Bay.
The analysis is presented and discussed to help understand the processes that contribute favorably to research capacity building in an academic institution.
Callon, M. (1986), "Some elements of a sociology of translation: domestication of the scallops of St Brieuc Bay", in Law, J. (Eds),Power, Action and Belief: A New Sociology of Knowledge, Routledge, London.