Sharing Outsider Thinking: Thinking (Differently) with Deleuze in Educational Philosophy and Curriculum Inquiry

Sep. 01, 2010

Source: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Volume 23, Issue 5 (September 2010), pages 589 – 614.

This essay performs a number of the authors' collaborative responses to thinking (differently) with Deleuze in educational philosophy and curriculum inquiry.

Deleuze and Guattari have inspired each of the authors in distinctive ways. Single-authored products include a series of narrative experiments or 'rhizosemiotic play' in writing educational philosophy and theory, and a doctoral thesis enacting processes of 'rhizo-imaginary' 'picturing' towards immanent and emergent curriculum theorising.

The authors have also collaborated in producing some co-authored works, which has motivated them to persevere with exploring further potentials for thinking∼writing together.
By exploring their work with Deleuzean conceptual creations in mind, the authors seek to move readers beyond Deleuzo-Guattarian select metaphors (e.g. nomadism, rhizome, lines of flight, smooth and striated spaces).

However, the authors distance themselves from the types of 'use' of Deleuze that merely appropriate metaphors that were never intended as metaphors. Rather, the authors prefer thinking with Deleuze to produce previously unthought questions, practices and knowledge.

The authors intend these performances to give a sense of not only the generativity that Deleuzo-Guattarian reading∼thinking has opened to them but also the affirmation such performances bestow for thinking (differently) in educational philosophy and curriculum inquiry.

Updated: Mar. 01, 2011
