This self-study tells the story of two international teacher education doctoral students and one faculty member as they embarked upon a co/autoethnography as a way to collectively explore experiences with and conceptualization of teacher candidate supervision across international contexts.
Data collection included written autobiographical narratives, audio-recordings of reflective conversations, and various artifacts.
By sharing their narratives and engaging in reflective conversations about these experiences, they gained insight into their histories in relation to the term supervision.
Understanding each other’s pasts and contexts helped them gain a window into how their experiences influenced their beliefs about supervision.
Specifically, they saw connections in relation to what influenced them to become teachers, relationships and the context for supervision, and the function of supervision.
Their past narratives became a lens to study how they currently view supervision.
This realization pushed them to develop a new vision of supervision informed by both their past experiences and their current knowledge and experiences.
This study has implications for both teacher educator-doctoral student preparation and teacher educator professional development.