Peer Coaching and Pre-service Teachers: Examining An Underutilised Concept

Feb. 28, 2010

This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 26, Issue 2, Author(s): Linda R. Britton and Kenneth A. Anderson, “Peer Coaching and Pre-service Teachers: Examining An Underutilised Concept“, Pages 306-314, Copyright Elsevier (February 2010).

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of peer coaching on the classroom practices of pre-service teachers.

Four teacher interns learned peer coaching functions and techniques before participating in coaching cycles with their peers. Pairs of participants reciprocally observed classes, collected data, and held conferences. Multiple forms of data were collected and analyses reveal that training was adequate.

Findings show that peer coaching altered current teaching practices, but a trend of making suggestions for improvement without affirming strengths was also evident.
Recommendations for integrating peer coaching in the pre-service curriculum are provided.

Updated: May. 25, 2010
