Calling for Action within the Teaching Profession: It Is Time to Internationalize Teacher Education

Mar. 30, 2010

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 21, Issue 1 (March 2010), pages 89 – 101.

Teacher educators are challenged to break their “virtual wall of silence” and begin preparing educators for the globally interdependent world in which they will work and their students will live. The authors claim that teacher educators should open the world to students through international experience and integrating a global perspective throughout the curriculum.

The authors use reflection on 20 years' experience arranging international student teaching placements, a comprehensive review of relevant literature and presentation of rationale and strategies for action.

In conclusion, the authors offer teacher educators tools they need to move their teacher education programmes beyond the parochial to viability in the twenty-first century by assuring their graduates bring a global perspective to decision-making in education.

Updated: Oct. 12, 2010
