Source: Teacher Education and Special Education, v. 34 no. 1 (February 2011), p. 37-51.
(Reviewed by the Portal Team)
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of logic models and their role in the creation of PD programs and in the evaluation of outcomes. The article discusses two main types of goals that need to be developed and included in such evaluations: (a) knowledge, awareness, and perception goals (KAP) and (b) action goals.
The authors provide an example of how a logic model can be used with PD programs by providing a description of its use with the Indiana Resource Center for Autism's (IRCA) School Team Training program.
The authors focus on how the use of a logic model allowed the IRCA to restructure the team training program to more systematically evaluate and document the outcomes of the school team training program.
The authors conclude that the use of a logic model and the subsequent development of systematic evaluation measures improved our training program considerably.
The KAP and action goal assessment data have assured the authors that their program is indeed leading to knowledge acquisition and affecting participant behavior.
The use of a logic model and its attendant development process has been instrumental in improving the team training via programmatic modifications to their program content and training methods and will serve as a model for future training and evaluation of PD outcomes.