Norwegian Secondary School Teachers and ICT

May. 15, 2011

Source: European Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 34, No. 2, May 2011, 209–218.
(Reviewed by the Portal Team)

In this article, the authors examine to what extent ICT is being used by the teachers and how they are using ICT in their teaching. The authors also discuss how factors such as the subject being taught, teaching experience, gender and age influence the use of ICT in teaching.


The analysis is based on both quantitative and qualitative data.
Qualitative data were gathered from a selected group of 10 teachers who took part in a project at Hedmark University College in Norway. This project aimed at developing their ICT skills.
The quantitative data were collected through a survey which was filled in by 59 teachers in three secondary schools in Hamar.


The findings revealed that teachers in the secondary schools in Hamar do use ICT but few use ICT very often. However, most are still unsure whether ICT will have any positive effect on the learning outcome for their students.
Furthermore, most teachers use ICT for more indirect reasons such as to access learning material, stimulate motivation, improve presentations etc.

It was also found that although ICT is a basic skill and is to be used in all subjects according to the national curriculum, only 22% of the teachers use ICT often in their teaching.
The authors have found that females and the less-experienced and oldest teachers are those using ICT least.

In addition, teachers who have learned to use ICT as part of a long-term professional development are those who say that ICT might enhance the learning outcome for their students.
Hence, these teachers use ICT most often and often ask their students to use ICT for homework and presentations.

The authors conclude that ICT training must be part of professional development and the teachers must be given time to see if ICT will improve the learning outcome for their students.

Updated: Dec. 13, 2011
