Source: The Teacher Educator, Volume 43, Issue 1, January 2008 , pages 29 - 45.
Field placement within teacher education represents a topic of interest for all preservice teacher programs. Present research addresses a set of important questions regarding field placement: (1) What pedagogical methodologies facilitate deep learning during field experiences? (2) Is there a significant difference in treatment effect for elementary education majors as opposed to secondary education majors?
By conducting a focused study of the current pedagogical methods being utilized in a Middle Level Instruction and Curriculum course it was possible to evaluate treatment effect on the enhancement of preservice teacher self-efficacy and dispositional preparation.
Utilizing a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) experimental design with repeated-measures, treatment effect on preservice teacher self-efficacy was evaluated based on the Fuller Scale of Concerns. This research facilitates a more data-driven discussion of the appropriate pedagogical methodology for the development of preservice teachers' attitudinal orientation and dispositions.