Source: Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, vol. 23, no.2, Winter 2007.
Publisher: Department of curriculum and Instruction Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching
This qualitative study evaluated the Technology Supported Induction Network’s (TSIN) effect on 15 elementary education student teachers in isolated rural schools. The student teachers were 50-300 miles away from their university; thus, it was difficult for faculty to provide support and supervision. The TSIN provided student teachers with professional development opportunities and virtual connections to their peers and university through distance technology, including an online discussion board and compressed video.
Findings indicate that the TSIN supported reflective practice, curricular and emotional support, and connections to peers, but not connections to the university. TSIN participants also developed their technology skills and confidence. The strengths and limitations of using distance technology to support student teachers are discussed along with recommendations for improving the TSIN design.