Professional Development Opportunities for Early Childhood Educators in Community-Based Child Care Centers

Oct. 22, 2008

Source: Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Volume 29, Issue 4, October 2008 , pages 287 - 296

In this study, the staff development opportunities among early childhood educators in community-based, nonprofit child care centers were examined. The data gathered from surveys completed by 12 lead teachers, 5 paraprofessionals, and 5 administrators from 5 community-based child care centers in New Jersey.
The results indicated that the teachers preferred enhanced or advanced professional development on subjects in which they already possessed an adequate level of knowledge and experience. In addition, teachers and administrators stated they preferred workshops as the professional development format. The findings were consistent with typical formal professional development, but contrary to the research that promotes effective learning and efficient staff professional development. Trends for professional development and implications for future staff development were determined.

Updated: Feb. 11, 2009
