Critical Issues in Supporting Self-Study

Aug. 15, 2010

This article was published Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 26, Issue 6,
Author(s): Mieke Lunenberg, Rosanne Zwart, and Fred Korthagen, “Critical issues in supporting self-study“, Pages 1280-1289, Copyright Elsevier (August 2010).

In this article, the authors focus on an analysis of critical issues in supporting teacher educators conducting a self-study.

The authors have collected from several sources: the digital logbooks written by the participating teacher educators, the outcomes of the interviews that the authors held at the end of the support process, and of a follow-up questionnaire answered by the participating teacher educators six months later.

The authors have found seven issues critical to enhancing the chances of self-studies being beneficial to the practice of teacher education as well as to the further development of a knowledge base for teacher education.

In addition, this study points to four themes for further attention and research.

Updated: Dec. 03, 2010
