Clickers in Teacher Education: Student Perceptions by Age and Gender

Jan. 10, 2010

Source: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 18(1), 35-55. (January 2010).

The current study explored the perceptions of classroom response systems, or “clickers,” by teacher-candidates of diverse ages and both genders.

63 teacher education students participated in the study. The participants included 53 females and 10 males aged 21 to 57 who attended small-enrollment reading methods courses in a special education licensure program.

Responses to a 32-item survey suggested that teacher candidates of all ages and both genders responded overwhelmingly positive to clickers in the university classroom.

Participants valued the on-screen questions, opportunities for peer discussions, anonymity of voting, and immediate feedback of the bar graph that clicker technology provided.
They were less receptive to linking one’s grade to points for participation or correct answers. For males and female teacher education students of all ages, clickers improve interaction with peers and the instructor. Furthermore, the participants perceive clickers as providing multiple opportunities for self-monitoring personal understanding, and helping students focus on important course concepts.

Updated: May. 30, 2011
