Caring Mentoring for Academic Literacy: A Case Study of a Teacher Education College in Israel

Sep. 15, 2010

Source: Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, Volume 18, Issue 3, 2010, p. 249-267.

This paper describes aspects of research relating to the influences of mentoring on the teaching and learning of academic literacy.

The research was conducted at the College Centre for Academic Literacy (WAL) at a teacher education college in Israel.

This multiple case study, based on the principles of grounded theory, describes five cases.
Data were collected and triangulated mainly through in‐depth and recall interviews, as well as recorded observations of mentoring sessions.

Analysis of each case study separately, followed by comparative analysis, revealed six facets of academic literacy mentoring at the college, making up a complex process at the core of which lies the reciprocity between the caring relationship and learning and knowledge development.

Updated: Jul. 05, 2011
