Still Motivated? The Motivation for Teaching during the Second Year in the Profession

Apr. 10, 2011

This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 27 number 3,
Author(s): Dag Roness, " Still Motivated? The Motivation for Teaching during the Second Year in the Profession", Pages 628-638, Copyright Elsevier (April 2011).

The current paper presents the findings from the third study in a longitudinal research project examining newly qualified teachers’ (NQTs) motivation for teaching and how they retrospectively value their teacher education.

The results indicate that teachers enjoy the profession one-and-a-half years after graduation. They are motivated both by working with their subject matter and by teaching.
Retrospectively, NQTs criticize parts of the post-graduate certificate in education (PGCE) course.

It seems that newly qualified teachers are satisfied in their profession.
However, this study reveals a high rate of attrition, with 40 percent having left the profession, and a prevalent ambivalence concerning their professional future.

Updated: Dec. 29, 2011
