Promoting Teacher Scaffolding in Small-Group Work: A Contingency Perspective

Feb. 01, 2012

This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 28 number 2,
Author(s): Janneke van de Pol, Monique Volman, and Jos Beishuizen, " Promoting Teacher Scaffolding in Small-Group Work: A Contingency Perspective", Pages 193–205, Copyright Elsevier (February 2012)

The authors developed a professional development program (PDP) focusing on scaffolding. The PDP was based on a model of contingent teaching consisting of three steps: diagnostic strategies, checking the diagnosis and intervention strategies.

The authors analyzed the development of four social studies teachers’ scaffolding knowledge, use of scaffolding in practice and reflections on practice.

Focus on diagnostic strategies and contingency resulted in valuable teacher insights.
Insights regarding openness, students’ understanding, and co-construction appeared to foster teachers’ scaffolding development.
A fourth step, checking students’ learning, is suggested as an additional step in contingent teaching.

Updated: Nov. 28, 2012
