Developing Pedagogical Practices to Enhance Confidence and Competence in Science Teacher Education

Dec. 01, 2011

Source: Journal of Science Teacher Education, Volume 22, Issue 8, p. 729-743. December 2011

The purpose of this self-study research was to deepen the author's understanding of pedagogy for teacher education and the factors that enhanced and hindered the author's confidence and competence as a teacher educator.

The author recorded her impressions and descriptions of events, discussions, and interpretations as a result of studying her practice in an electronic journal.

Student teachers’ responses to questionnaires, peer evaluation guidelines, and interviews provided alternative views about the efficacy of her pedagogy.

One theme was that a focus on science content knowledge gave a false sense of confidence and overshadowed our ability to engage in meaningful conversations about learning to teach—a practice challenged through self-study research.

Updated: Jan. 28, 2013
