Source: European Journal of Teacher Education, Volume 36, Issue 4, 2013, pages 393-412
The purpose of this study concerns student teachers’ interpersonal profiles (i.e. patterns of their interpersonal behaviour as perceived by students) and the accuracy of their self-belief regarding the interpersonal relationship with students at the beginning and end of the internship.
The participants were 34 student teachers of a one-year teacher education programme.
The findings reveal that there were fewer student teachers with preferable interpersonal profiles at the end of the internship than in the beginning.
Self-beliefs at the beginning indicated that the majority of student teachers were underestimating themselves; at the end of the internship most of them were overestimating themselves.
About two-thirds had more accurate self-beliefs at the end of the internship than at the beginning.
Overestimating oneself seemed negatively related to more accurate self-beliefs at the end of the internship and student teachers with more preferable profiles had more accurate self-beliefs.