Novice in Secondary School – The Coin Has Two Sides

Aug. 25, 2009

"This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 25 number 6, Authors: Marit Ulvik, Kari Smith and Ingrid Helleve, "Novice in Secondary School – The Coin Has Two Sides", Pages 835-842, Copyright Elsevier (August 2009)”.

The aim of this study is to gain an insight into novice teachers’ diverse experiences.

The study is conducted among nine beginning teachers in upper secondary school in Norway, and the research instrument was semi structured interviews.

The main findings indicate that there are two sides of the coin of being a new teacher, positive as well as less positive aspects.
The beginning teachers want to be recognised as who they are, new to the job, and on the other hand, they want to be accepted as fully qualified teachers.
The two contradictory perceptions of themselves as professionals represent two sides of the same coin.

Updated: Dec. 09, 2009
