The Impact of a Field Immersion Program on Pre-service Teachers’ AttitudesToward Teaching in Culturally Diverse Classrooms

Jul. 14, 2007

Source: Teaching and Teacher Education , Volume 23, Issue 5, July 2007, Pages 653-663

Understanding of community, and a positive attitude toward cultural diversity are critical components in the preparation of teachers. This study sought to influence both, through on-site coursework and a long-term field placement at a culturally diverse urban elementary school. Participants were predominately single, white females from suburban communities. Questionnaire responses suggest that this immersion program improved the attitudes of these pre-service teachers.

Findings support the idea that a targeted field placement, support from peers and teachers, and meaningful coursework facilitates the preparation of culturally responsive teachers—even for those with little or no prior experience in culturally diverse communities.

Updated: Jul. 23, 2008
