This article was published in Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 27 number 4,
Author(s): Annela Teemant, Joan Wink, Serena Tyra, " Effects of Coaching on Teacher Use of Sociocultural Instructional Practices", Pages 683–693, Copyright Elsevier (May 2011).
The current study evaluates a performance-based instructional coaching model intended to improve teacher pedagogy and classroom organization for educating diverse student populations.
21 Elementary teachers participated in a 30-h workshop and seven individual coaching sessions across an academic year.
The coaching model promoted use of the Standards for Effective Pedagogy, five research-based practices known to increase student achievement.
Findings demonstrate performance-based instructional coaching led to statistically significant
(a) improvements in teacher pedagogy,
(b) patterns of teacher growth,
and (c) changes in classroom organization.