The Influence of Theoretical Tools on Teachers’ Orientation to Notice and Classroom Practice: A Case Study

Aug. 01, 2011

Source: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp 269-284. (August 2011).

In this article, the author shows how an epistemological vision of mathematics in resonance with a model of cognitive dynamics can work as a powerful tool to support a teacher’s stable and autonomous attitude of noticing.
To support this argumentation, the author presents some experimental data concerning a case study of one teacher.

The author uses a methodological frame suitably arranged.
The author tries to describe how the teacher’s ability to rely on this particular theoretical frame affects: the choice of the global goals in mathematics education; the design of educational interventions; the interpretation of learners’ cognitive behaviours; and the assessment.

Updated: Oct. 17, 2012
