Facilitating Self-Study of Professional Development: Researching the Dynamics of Teacher Learning

May 2007

Source: Studying Teacher Education, Volume 3, Issue 1  May 2007 , pages 35 - 51

In this study a teacher educator worked with two elementary teachers to facilitate a self-study of their learning during a professional development programme. The programme extended for 6 months and was underpinned by four learning processes - reflection, sharing, action and feedback. The two teachers documented their learning experiences and were interviewed several times during and after the study.

At the end of the 6-month period, the teachers sketched and shared models of their learning and then collaborated to produce a joint model. Sue learned that she needed to start with a small change in her teaching and that her learning involved multiple factors that interacted to create change.

Loraine learned that focusing on the teaching of science reminded her of childhood experiences and that it was important for her to analyse why she taught the way she did. Self-study helped the teachers to develop insights about how they learned and enabled them to better understand and manage their own professional development.

Updated: Jan. 26, 2008
