How Can a Focus on Teacher Well-being in Pre-service Training Promote the Resilience of Primary School Student Teachers?

May. 10, 2017

Source: Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, Vol 12 (2017)

The focus of this paper is on how an induction course on Teacher Well-Being (TWB) infused as part of an exchange programme between one higher education institution, Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences (HIOA) in Norway and three primary schools in South Africa, influence the professional development and resilience of the participating primary school student teachers.

A qualitative research approach was used to capture student perceptions and meaning of their learning and development from the TWB training.
The research design was informed by the qualitative reflective research approach as understood by, among others, Alvesson and Skjoldberg.

Updated: May. 14, 2017
