Improved Mentor Satisfaction: Emphasising Protégé Training for Adult-age Mentoring Dyads

May. 15, 2008

Source: Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, Volume 16, Issue 2 May 2008 , pages 163 - 174

Mentoring and e-mentoring programmes have traditionally focused on training mentors rather than proteges. In this research study, we examine the effects of mandated training for proteges on mentor outcomes within a large-scale e-mentoring programme, MentorNet. The programme paired college students (proteges) at various US colleges and universities with professionals (mentors) from a number of US-based companies. The results suggest that a paradigm change from mentor training to proeteges training for adult proteges is beneficial.

In this randomised experiment, 200 proteges were assigned to a mandated e-training (experimental) group, and another 200 proteges were assigned to a voluntary e-training (control) group. The mentors who were paired with the proteges in the experimental group were more engaged in the programme, more satisfied with their experience, and held their proteges in higher esteem. Rather than emphasising mentor training, the findings suggest that protg training may be more appropriate for mentoring dyads.

Updated: Nov. 18, 2008
