Learning from Action Research About Science Teacher Preparation

Feb. 01, 2012

Source: Journal of Science Teacher Education, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp 45-64. (February 2012).

This paper presents a case study of a beginning science teacher’s year-long action research project, during which she developed a meaningful grasp of learning from practice.

Wendy was a participant in the middle grade science program designed for career changers from science professions who had moved to teaching middle grade science.

An extended action research experience in the second year of induction proved valuable to her in learning how to modify her teaching to reach her goal, using evidence of student learning as her guide.

The authors conclude with reflections on the value of extended action research within science teacher preparation, particularly early in one’s career, and explores the promise for ongoing practice-based professional development throughout a teacher’s career.

Updated: Oct. 22, 2012
