Classroom Behaviour Management Content in Australian Undergraduate Primary Teaching Programmes

Jul. 10, 2012

Source: Teaching Education, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2012, pages 287-308

This paper reports the findings from the first nationwide survey of Australian primary pre-service teacher educators coordinating units and programmes with CBM content.

Twenty-five Australian tertiary institutions with primary programmes participated.
The institutions provided information on 102 of the 118 units with CBM content.

Stand-alone units were offered in 68% of programmes and embedded in 96% of programmes.
They commonly included applied behaviour analysis, decisive discipline, positive behaviour intervention and support, and choice theory/reality therapy, among the 36 approaches/models listed.

More than half of the stand-alone units and only 20% of embedded units were coordinated by an academic with a stated CBM research interests.
Units coordinated by an academic with CBM research interests contained more hours/model and included research-based models more often than those without CBM research interests, although they still included non-research-based models.

Updated: Nov. 25, 2013
